Originally Posted by Clem

Legit curious:

What's the age range of these guys y'all are hiring who are quitting and what's the job(s)? And are they white, Hispanic, black? How long do they stay before quitting?

Bigger question: Why do y'all think these guys are quitting?

Not because 'they don't make men anymore' or anything like that. I get all that, but let's go deeper.

Is it the pay? They're legitimately lazy? They signed on but didn't realize exactly what the job was? Did they feed you guys (who are hiring) a line of bullchit about working hard and willing to do anything?

White and black most of them are just lazy and won't show up. I'm not going to sit here and say I'm perfect but if you tell me to be there at 730 I'm going to be within 5 mins of that may be early may be late. On the flip side of being late I've went in at 7 am everyday this week and I haven't gotten off until after 9pm and it's looking like i may be here till 10 or later tonight. The pay isn't bad and if you show up and do what your supposed to do your pay scale is going to jump up quick. Several times I've had a check between $100-300 in my box just for stepping up when needed. It's hard to even find anyone that gives a shucks no one that's come in the door since I've been here had any want to.

We will burn that bridge when we get there