Originally Posted by AU7MM08
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by whack-n-stack
Somebody who enjoys coming to work, likes the people they work with, won’t go looking for another job or be as willing to switch jobs for an extra 5k a year. That’s how you keep labor costs down. Have good leadership and a bunch of people with good attitudes. A grouchy complainer will ruin a good workplace.

Kids today come to work looking for another job.
They think you should give them a manager position right out of college.
If they don't get $100k a year and 6 weeks vacation, they'll spend half the work day submitting resumes for their next job.

I agree to a point with what you've said.
But at the same time gone are the days of the majority of the workforce getting hired by a company, staying there 35 years and collecting a pension.

Interesting article about staying vs leaving.

Agree with AU7. The days of working for The Man for 30-40 years and getting the attaboy, gold watch and pension are over.

Today's graduates and older, ages 22 to about 35 +/-, have no problem staying at a job for a year, 18 months, and then leaving. Some do it because the job is sh*t and they - like many of us - took it to get any kind of money, get something on the resume-ledger and then move on. Some get jobs and find out they're not what they were advertised to be.

Many just move around because they can - in today's digital-tech world people move around. Managers know this and don't fret about it because they know someone else can and will come along. It's no big whoop. They adapt, adjust and move ahead.

Some jobs, of course, require training and IMO those are the ones where a longer commitment is more valuable, looks better on the resume and can be a plus. It would depend on what I was hiring for as to whether I'd be looking for someone with x-years at Jobs A and B or shorter times at multiple places but they had solid to above-average levels of success at most or all.

I'd rather hire a solid person who bounced around a little but had success, knowing he/she might move on, than to hire some schlub who sat on his or her ass for 8 or 10 years at Company A and was average.

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013

"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020