Originally Posted by WmHunter
This thread has me thinking.......I just wonder if there is any antitrust issues with the way the big timber companies and
wood mills/paper mills are doing things these days....~

I have often wondered that too.

In order to find out, it would take a forestry organization with very deep pockets that was willing to go to bat for the landowners. And since the forestry organizations are ultimately controlled by the big mills, it ain't gonna happen.

Well, the AFOA supports landowners, but I don't think they are big enough for something like this. If there are anti-trust violations, we are never gonna know.

There are some great people involved in forestry in our state, but overall, I think it is the most crooked industry that we have. Enter at your own risk.

Last edited by poorcountrypreacher; 05/23/18 01:45 PM.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.