Originally Posted by BC
Originally Posted by James
Do you own any revolvers? Or did you sell those when your kids came along?

I have one that my dad gave me when I was graduated High School. It's a Ruger .357. It's been locked in the gunsafe almost the entire time I've had it except when I slid a round of rat shot in it one time and killed a copperhead under my front porch.

Originally Posted by James
And i don't trust a small child around any firearm (safety or not) period. So that's why i keep all mine out of reach of small children (and stupid adults)

You seem to be getting your dander up about my statement. No I didn't leave them on the coffee table for the kids to pick up anytime I wasn't looking. I didn't keep them locked in the gunsafe either because there aren't many intruders will hold off so you can run downstairs and get it out of the safe. I kept mine out of reach of the children but sometimes kids find a way to locate things they aren't supposed to be touching. Do you know how many kids have been killed by firearms that were on the top shelf of a closet in a shoe box? Thankfully I never had any instances of kids touching my firearms, but if it ever had I would rather them have found a 1911 with the 3 safety features as opposed to a Glock where the only safety feature is to keep your finger (or seat belt buckle, or door knob, or holster snap) off of the trigger.

I take it you're a Glock lover....... good for you. I never badmouthed Glock a time, just simply stated I felt it was not the firearm for me. You Glock guys get asshurt worse than Pit owners if someone doesn't tout them as the greatest thing ever.

Funny how the 1911 guys are always saying the Glock guys get azzhurt easy, when the 1911 guys are always trying to prove why their 1911 is more superior than the POS Glock rofl As for me, i actually own more 1911s than Glocks, so no i'm not Butthurt, cause my Smith 44s are better than both 🤗

Do not regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many!