Originally Posted by Out back
Colt 1911s suck.

Sounds like he's just mad because when he tries to be a BA and shoot one gangsta style, that heavy .45 brass catches him right between the eye....,and reminds him what real men shoot.

BTW, there is an interesting aftermarket fix, that replaces the rear slide cover plate on the Glock. You hold it down with your thumb, and it prevents the trigger from moving rearword. Completely passive, so it is not in the system on firing. Neat solution. If I did a lot of holstering drill with a Glock, I'd think hard about it.


Read a few years back the ALL the ADs with 1911s, when analyzed, became NDs, with on proven exception. A policemen was in an MRI lab escorting a prisoner, when they turned he machine on. It jerked the weapon out of his holster, and probably pulled the firing pin block upward, against the relatively light spring pressure. There you go, an actual AD with a 1911. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2010/01/03/dont-bring-a-gun-near-an-mri/

Used to be a lifeguard, until that blue kid got me fired.