Originally Posted by jmudler
BP4 - I too have a 10 year old. One area I failed is pushing him too hard and almost ruined hunting for him. If he is cold, to home. I would think very hard about not bringing electronics to entertain him in the beginning. As you know this is time you will never get back, make it special. There is a gas station down the road we stop at after every hunt or day in the woods in the off season. We get surplees every time. I go on and on about how they are the best in the world. They arent very good, but I want my son to remember the event. When the good Lord takes me home, I want him to see a slurpee machine and think of all the times we spent together.

BP4 - I admire your passion for your child. Also I have some hunting clothes my son outgrew. Boots, jackets, pants, etc you can have for free. I will even pay to ship to you. Let me know.

P.S. please, please ensure both of you wear a safety harness of you ever hunt off the ground.

Wow!! I love this!! Thank you! I'm not big on electronics and he seemed to inherit my love for being outside even if we're not getting much accomplished. 😁 I will definitely pay for shipping. That is very generous of you! And I love the slurpee story! I may steal that idea.