Originally Posted by ALFisher
I don't work for DCNR, or the State of Alabama, and I'm not friends with Sykes. I've met him once at a CAB meeting. I say that to say this: why are you bashing Sykes for complaining about people not using game check? Same with Snapper Check. Having been seriously involved in the red snapper issue,I know for a fact that if we had 100% compliance (which I realize is not possible), we would be better off. I would assume same goes for deer. Why not just use GC? What's the big deal? It helps manage the resource, so use it. Also, it's the law, so use it.

Chris Blankenship was the author of Snapper Check and did a great job with it. Those scientific findings alone are used to debunk any guesstimate regulations that the feds has or was going to impose on us. Thus the reason for the extended season this year. I use it as well as GC.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!