Killed a good one today. First double beard I have ever killed. also first turkey I reaped with a full strut decoy. Belly crawled behind the decoy to this bird who had been standing 200 yards away in a big field for 1.5 hours. cut the distance in half through the woods, then crawled to the field with decoy and gun. He strutted in wiht bright white head to 20 yards and got the boom laiod down. Awesome hunt. Havent posted on score thread yet caus my phojne died and im about to get to bed to do it all again tomorrow. just glad the mojo has worn off. Best thing if my daughter got to watch the whole thing from the blind, she gonna be a turkey killin machine when she's older.

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore I believe in work, hard work. -George Petrie (1945)