Ya'll bitchin and whining and ain't doing anything about the rude punks. Take a moment and try to use this as a teaching moment and things WILL improve.

Example: buddy and I were sitting in my truck outside Eutaw Bait Shop one day and one of the local thugs pulled in beside us, music blaring. He cuts off the car, gets out and starts toward the door. He turned back to the car, reached in and cut the ignition(and radio) back on and turned to the door again, satisified that he had pissed off the two white guys in the blue truck. I yelled at him and told him I was fixing to take my shotgun and shoot that damn radio thru the floorboards if he didn't cut the radio off. He ran to the car and cut the radio off.

See how easy that was? Local thug learned not to fk with the guys in the blue truck. He's a better thug for it. grin

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one