Originally Posted by biglmbass
Averion Hurts said. "My job is to do what's best for Jalen -- and make no mistake, Jalen is a quarterback, and he wants to play quarterback. He loves Alabama, loves Coach Saban and everything about that place. But he wants to play, and he will play."

So his dad suggests that Jalen will look for a greener pasture if he doesn't start. I assume Jalen has sense enough to not publicly speak on the topic.

Well ol' Averion may be a High School football coach but he doesnt know much about QBs as they progress up in age. Jalen was a QB. He's an absolutely 100% perfect HS QB that any HS coach in the nation would kill to have on his roster. At the college level, as a QB, he's decent but not great and there are probably 60-75 college QBs, if not more, that spin it, read, and make quicker, better decisions at the QB position, than Jalen is capable of doing. Jalen has survived and played very effectively at Bama based only on his freakish athleticism and supporting cast. At the pro level, Jalen will get laughed at as a QB by pro scouts. If Averion's job is truly "to do what's best for Jalen", he needs to pull the "daddy ball" blinders off and meet with Saban and Jalen about a position change and move to slot receiver so that Jalen can make it to the pros and be successful, cause he's dang sure ain't going to be successful as a pro QB, no matter how much daddy thinks he should.

Last edited by abolt300; 04/19/18 01:56 PM.