Originally Posted by CamBo
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by AUstan23
Marriage is a scam and a money grab between women and the State. Phuck "love". Phuck "forever". Phuck "I do". Period.

Men are kept in the dark on purpose because otherwise no man would agree to it. Women spend the money men make, economy churns, rinse, repeat.

I'm guessing you're one of the most unhung SOBs around here.
The only men I've ever heard say those things are queers and little peckers.

Or he's in love with someone he can't have and he's trying to convince himself that it doesn't matter anyway.

Or I'm the only one who isn't afraid to say maybe, just maybe, men kinda unknowingly sign up to get phucked over. Just a thought.

It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled.