Originally Posted by Southwood7

Originally Posted by 3FFarms
Originally Posted by AUstan23
Most people (myself included) should not get married or have kids, but you can't even bring up these conversations without being shouted down. There's underlying biology to a lot of this too but I know no one on here will follow if I go that deep.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Honestly. Start a spin off if you'd like. You have my word I won't shout you down. Although I venture to guess, with a difference in theology, we likely won't see eye to eye.

Stan tells us all the time how smart he is and that he could go deeper.... but he never does??!!

I never said I was smart, and I can only say so much while on my phone at work. You guys have been trying to paint me into a corner and put words in my mouth this entire thread. The main thing that bothers me is that men don't even know the massive risk they are taking by signing into state-sanctioned marriage. You can't even suggest that it isn't a good idea or that there is a slant to the system. Nah, you're a bitch, got a tiny d*ck, and/or gay. No, half of marriages don't fail, no alimony doesn't go to women the vast majority of the time, no child support doesn't go to women over 90% of the time, no women don't constitute the vast majority of the consumer economy, no you can't be put in prison for being unable to even pay interest on child support, she never gets the house you bought, or car or dog or boat or anything. I'm totalling bullshitting.

It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled.