Should have had number #2 but my stupid butt put a decoy out on the ridge with plans of just cat napping the afternoon. Well soon as I get there I do a light call not expecting to hear anything and boom one gobbles 300yds away. I thought to my self man I should really go pick that decoy up and have him search for me but said naw he prolly ain't even coming over here he has been on that ridge all morning. Well i sit back wait awhile and do a couple of yelps and boom he is 100yds. Now it's to late to move and I just had that gut feeling I should have got rid of the decoy. I don't like them except for lazy afternoons sitting on fields. Well I go quiet except for some scratching every now and then. I finally see him about 70 yds away and closes the distance to 60 yds when he seen the hen and takes a few more steps and blows up halfway behind a tree. There he sat strutting and cleaning his feathers for about an hour and would not close the distance anymore. After that he made his way back to his original spot and would never come back but would gobble his head off. I followed that bird around the ridge all day. Only good thing about it is I know his routine now and where he really wants to be so there will be more opportunities.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke