Since you corners like to throw out that a pile of corn is the same thing as a greenfield, I have to ask, how much cover does a pile of corn provide for quail, rabbits, and turkey poults?

Corn is also yellow while green patches tend to be green. That's another difference. Doesn't have anything to do with the central argument of why one should be legal while the other isn't but then neither does the difference you pointed out. And if the ankle high green patches on your place are the only cover the quail, rabbits and turkey have then I'm sorry to break it to you but they ain't gone make it. Besides this is not an either or situation. You can have both. We plant about 14 green fields on our place every year.

Didn't realize I had to be this literal but when we say there is no difference we are "OF COURSE" speaking in the sense that they are both bait placed in a specific location by man for the express purpose of luring a game animal into gun or bow range. Also that sitting over one verses the other requires no difference in skill or effort. That's what we mean.

It's like if I said that murder is murder whether you use a handgun or a shotgun and you chimed in to say it was different and went on to describe the physical differences in the two weapons. Eh, you kinda missed the point there. Hunting over bait is hunting over bait. Whether or not a squirrel can hide in your bait vs mine really has no bearing on the ethics of the situation.

How long do you think it will take hawks and owls to start perching above corn feeders and picking off all the small game attracted to them?

I really can't even tell if you are being serious now. So now we have to keep feeders illegal because owls will sit over them and eat all the small game animals? LOL! We have had them out on our place for decades now and I can assure you there is still an abundance of small game. But by all means if you truly believe that then don't put any out on your place if legalized. Pretty soon all your neighbors rabbits, squirrels, and quail will be nothing but owl s##t and you will be sitting pretty with all the small game animals in the county. LOL!

Last edited by Todd1700; 03/22/18 11:02 PM.

The best index to a person’s character is (a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can’t fight back.
- Abigail van Buren