Originally Posted by BREEZE1
Originally Posted by Karl9
I haven't read this whole thread so if this has been covered I apologize.

Why would they expect to get paid over lost revenue from the fines of hunting over bait? It's not the only game crime in town and the time wasted on chasing baiters can be used to go after night hunters
and other game violations. They are not losing revenue. I would bet that the money spent flying around the state looking for baiters is more then the 143k they get from the fines.

Why in the world wouldn't they legalize night hunting to. Maybe not riding around in a truck but normal style hunting most us work days. I think it would still be tougher to hunt at night than during the day and should make deer not so nocturnal. Really thinking about it more who are they to tell us we cant ride in a truck and shoot them at night? I mean its a free country. I really don't know how people own land and can keep people from hunting it. I also think we should be able to hunt anywhere we want to as long as its in the US.


They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin