Originally Posted by johndeere5036
One thing I have learned by running my own business is that it takes money to make money and the more you make the more you spend. I’ve got a couple of guys that help me here and there when I need them and I’m about to hire someone full time during the summer. I take care of the guys who help me which goes along way but the Lawncare deal is good but it takes good customers to make it work. I’ve got some that are loyal and some that arnt. One of the problems with it is the low balling people that want a few yards to cut just during the summer so they will under cut your price just to get the yard. Some people will stick with who they know but some will get somebody else over five or ten dollars.

Thank u..thats one reason i dont like grocery 5k power bill month 5k work comp yr ect..its sad to sell 2mill a year and break even after all said and done

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin