Originally Posted by blahblahblah

Great point. Deer coming to it during day, getting nutrition, and holding deer is my goal. Whatever it looks like does not matter to me. Ryegrass makes a beautiful field. I don't use it on my test throw and mow fields, but I have had some great results with winter peas. I research and test a lot. Ive compared neutragreen, whistler, and austiran winter peas. As far as one against the others I had best results from the Whistler. I hear it is because of the lack of tannin in the whistler and neutragreen. I don't know why they browsed them heavier than the neutragreen though. Both have white flowers.

What I was getting at is not necessarily if the plot looks pretty but rather how we commonly look at a plot and if it’s not eaten down to a nub then we assume its not being used. We have grown accustomed to thinking every winter plot should look like it’s been scalped. What that hides though is that a lot of that situation is created by poor soil conditions and lack of productivity just as much as it comes from browsing pressure. It isn’t hard to browse a field down to a nub when its not putting out any growth. This is one reason I like cereal rye….it grows better in poor soil conditions than other cereal grains……it grows at lower temps than other cereal grains……and it grows faster than other cereal grains……That works out well for many situations

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