Me, Delmer, and Jackie used to hunt together. We used to run up to him and yell....Look!!!! It's Jackie Caudle!! Can we have your autograph Mr. Caudle?!! He would roll his eyes tell us we were a couple dummies. grin
First time I met him at hunting camp, he had just underwent shoulder surgery. He could only pull 45 lbs on his bow and couldn't climb a tree but wanted to kill a doe for his mom some meat. It was afternoon and I told him where I had a ground blind brushed in on the end of a field and if he would go there a doe would come out at 4:30. I had already killed a couple and told him to kill that one for his mom. When I got back to camp after dark he had her on his atv. He said I had her timed just right because she came out at almost exactly 4:30. He was my buddy from that day forward. He's a good down to Earth guy.

Last edited by Driveby; 03/21/18 09:49 PM.

The true mark of a man is not how he conducts himself during times of prosperity, but how he conducts himself during times of adversity.