Originally Posted by jawbone
I will profile this guy and say that despite being bomb intelligent, he is not very bright or has a desire to be caught because every bomb that he sets, he increases his chances of being caught exponentially. Also, they keep saying he is LE or military. Military probably, but not likely just LE. In all my years of LE training, I learned how to react to a bomb scene and preserve evidence, but never, nor do I know anyone, that learned how to make a bomb. Almost all the demolition guys I met were ex military. That is where that training takes place.

Originally Posted by 257wbymag
I bet he's a white mid-upper 30's anti social weirdo too. Most cases like this are seems like.

I would imagine these two are somewhere along the lines of what would fit the suspect.

With as many bombs that have gone off it's a wonder someone hasn't been killed, but maybe the suspect is setting them up more to maim and to instill fear.

Last edited by AU7MM08; 03/20/18 09:45 PM.