Originally Posted by MarksOutdoors
Originally Posted by MallardMan84
Originally Posted by MarksOutdoors
Originally Posted by MallardMan84
damn at the hypocrites on this thread. One of the most brilliant minds to ever walk this earth has passed on and so many haters on the bandwagon.

No real hypocritical judgment here. Just an absolute fact that if he didn't accept Jesus Chist as his Lord and Savior, then he is condemning himself to Hell.

Damning someone because they do not agree with you sounds a lot like Old Testament. You know the, " Well that's Old Testament we don't really agree with everything that went on in the Old Testament", says the modern Christian.

It doesnt matter one iota if someone agrees with me or not. It matters whether they have chosen to repent of their sins and follow Christ. I would suggest you read the book of Romans (it's in the New Testament).

I understand what you are saying. I was raised Baptist, but what you are saying only matters to Christians. Think outside the box for a minute. A child that is raised in India is raised Hindu. He has the same amount of Faith and conviction about his religion that you do about yours. Does that make him wrong or mean he is going to Hell? The same can be said about every other religion including Muslims which make up 1/5th of the world population. Do I advocate Muslim religion is the right one? Hell No! But i don't hate them because of their religion. If Christians followed the Bible word for word Old Testament and New then Christianity would be a highly radical and possibly violent religion as well. I feel like instead of people saying they follow the Bible they should say they follow the Moral teachings of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah pass the ammunition.