Originally Posted by MallardMan84
Originally Posted by MarksOutdoors
Originally Posted by MallardMan84
damn at the hypocrites on this thread. One of the most brilliant minds to ever walk this earth has passed on and so many haters on the bandwagon.

No real hypocritical judgment here. Just an absolute fact that if he didn't accept Jesus Chist as his Lord and Savior, then he is condemning himself to Hell.

Damning someone because they do not agree with you sounds a lot like Old Testament. You know the, " Well that's Old Testament we don't really agree with everything that went on in the Old Testament", says the modern Christian.

No one said that Hawking would be in hell if he didn't agree with them. They said he would be in hell if he didn't accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, which is 100% the truth. That's stating fact, not judgmental.

Also, the verse saying "judge not lest ye be judged," is referring to being self righteous. We obviously judge people every day in a court of law, which is a Biblical principle.