UPDATE: ENT came back yeaterday afternoon after finally being able to consult with Interventional Radiology and study the images together. I said they cannot drain the cysts the way ENT was hoping, so hat option has been ruled out. That leaves treating it with oral medication or surgery. ENT really REALLY doesn't want to do surgery bc surgery on the tongue is pretty invasve, even as surgeries go. So, at this time the plan is to treat with steroids and this other medication, the name if which I can't recall.

Her tongue is still swollen, though not as bad as this past weekend. They're hoping it will continue returning to normal so hat we can take her off the breathing tube and let her totally wake up (and go home). If the swelling doesn't go down pretty quickly, we would be looking at a temporary tracheaotomy to ensure she can breathe safely while waiting for the tongue to return to normal. Again, this would be a temporary measure but we REALLY don't want to have to go that route for obvious reasons.

So, please continue to pray for Maddie, and specifically that the swelling goes down significantly over the next few days so she can get back to life as usual.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft