Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Hogwild
I agree with what you are saying!

But, evidently there was some confusion.....

ALL members are allowed to Turkey hunt on our place.
That was simply a forewarning that there was no need in asking to ‘buy’ the Turkey Rights or purchase a Turkey-only membership. Also, letting other ‘serious’ turkey hunters know that there were already 2 serious Turkey hunters on board.


So you and Mike sold me exclusive turkey rights that dont exist??? Come on Danny, what's up with that? At $0.20/acre I'm paying a very fair price. I mean heck, that's $800 and you guys only have 4,000 acres. If I'm gonna have to share with others, we need to be more in that 5-10 cents per acre range! smile

We knew you had plenty of spare money laying around.....and were no real threat to the turkeys. So, you got ‘The Special’!!!