Originally Posted by jawbone

Originally Posted by hunterbuck
I don't care if it's legalized or not. But, I do have a couple of observations...

Calling it "feeding" or "supplemental feeding" vs calling it "baiting" is silly. Feeding/supplemental feeding is 100% legal right now. You can put whatever you want in your feeder right now to help your deer herd, and you can have as many feeders on your property with whatever magical concoction you choose to put in them as you desire to have. There are exactly zero laws against having feeders on your property now...they simply have to be 100+ yards and out of sight from where you're hunting. If you desire to call hunting over food plots "baiting" too, have at it. But, to have the stance that you're not able to provide your deer what you feel they need, then that's simply a falsehood...and not a valid argument for legalizing baiting.

I see several stating "less laws/regulations" as their stance on wanting baiting legalized. I see some of those same people wanting the state to limit the doe harvest statewide. Sounds a bit hypocritical to me. If the state legalizes baiting but doesn't limit the doe harvest, how do you feel that will affect the state's deer herd? Not all "brown it's down" hunters are outlaws. But, they WILL use every legal means to continue with their "brown it's down" quest. No one talks about that gorilla in the room.

The EXTREME argument of the "against baiting" crowd saying that those "for baiting" obviously need a pile of corn to kill a deer is just stupid. The EXTREME counter-argument of the "for baiting" crowd that those "against baiting" should be running around in a loincloth with a spear is equally stupid. Just stop...both sides.

Like I said...I don't care either way. In proof-reading my post, it may appear as if I'm against it, but I'm really not. I just don't see any validity in the "I'm not allowed to feed my deer" argument, nor do I feel that it's ok to use "less laws" as an argument FOR baiting, but also be in favor of limiting doe harvest. You either feel that folks should be able to do what they want on their own property, or you don't. If you don't want to shoot does on your property, then don't. That's how you CHOOSE to manage your property...and how your neighbor CHOOSES to manage his property should be of no concern to you. Quite honestly, I don't mind a brown it's down neighbor. Deer don't seem to hang around there very often, and they see my place as a nice, unpressured spot to hang out.

I agree with most of this, but like we've covered ad nauseum, if you put out something, say corn, with intentions of drawing game in to kill it, that is baiting and is still illegal. No matter the distance or sight line. Supplemental feeding means you are not hunting over it .

Oh, I completely agree. I was simply giving leeway to the state's allowance of 100 yards and out of sight.

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