I was going to make a post earlier along the same lines as abolt did above, but when I got it all typed out, I accidentally refreshed the page and it all went away. Probably just as well, abolt's reply was much more eloquent than mine.

Bottom line, why does it matter who has the turkey rights? Daggerhorn made it crystal clear in the very first post they weren't included, along with a price to lease the property for DEER hunting. From there, it's take it or leave it. If he had said that HE was keeping the turkey rights for himself, is it a deal breaker? If he had said that someone other than him had the turkey rights, would that be ok? Or, is there any interest in leasing the land period, or are y'all just trying to stir up crap for the guy?

I'm of the opinion that he is high for his lease price, but that's his business...and like he said, the market will determine whether or not it will lease at that price.

Heck, Squeaky and Hogwild have basically done the same thing on their ad, and no one is busting their balls (rightfully so) over only a select few members having turkey rights.

"You think I care? Roll Damn Tide"

Have you tried Google?