Welp, she gave us a little excitement this morning by sitting up and yanking her breathing tube out. On a positive note, she was breathing fine on her own (the tube was a precaution in case the swelling worsened, since it came on so quickly to begin with), and within literally a couple of seconds of her pulling the tube, there was literally about 20 people at her side. It was pretty impressive and reassuring how quickly they were able to react. They were also able to get the tube back in no problem.

Also, the doctors got "a little firm" with radiology this morning and she'll be having her MRI in about an hour. Please continue praying, but all in all, things seem to be moving in a relatively positive direction.

Last edited by GomerPyle; 03/11/18 09:21 AM.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft