Originally Posted by Rocket62
This will be my third season as well. This is a good club. Out of 35 members we generally have 15 active hunters. Of these we all get along very well. We have a great crew of guys. We help each other when needed, keep track of each other, stay in touch with each other, and respect each other. The club rules are reasonable and the president does value our opinion. If you can find things to take issue with about this club then I am glad you aren’t a member. You would not fit in here and we don’t need any negative talkers to join. Good luck finding a good club and folks that will put up with your negative attitude

Excuse me? You don’t even know me, so you’d better tread lightly. I’ll call it like i see it. And I didn’t lie one time, even though I was lied to a lot. If you like the club fine, I’m only trying to help out some folks so they can rest assured they’re spending their money wisely. There’s a reason this club IN JACKSON COUNTY is on here every single year looking for members. Think about it, 99% of the clubs in this county don’t have to advertise.