Evening guys...Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Larry M. I live down in Mobile, and hunt in North Mobile Co. and in Coffeeville Alabama also. This will be my third season turkey hunting. I've yet to kill one, but it hasn't been for a lack of trying. I've had a lot of close calls, but it just hasn't happened. I spent most of last season hunting a Old Tom in Coffeeville that always managed to give me the slip. I'm hoping he made it through the year to allow me to give him one more try. Even though he drove me crazy last year to the point that I was just hoping that he fell victim to a predator. Man that bird really got at me. I have my eye on a three year old in Mobile that I'm hoping will get the monkey off of my back possibly opening day. Even though I'm green, I plan on doing what I can to pull my weight. Good luck to all!

Last edited by Fosko; 03/09/18 12:44 AM.

�Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.�- Fred Bear