I give you a straight answer on why I don't like the idea. Our neighbors are all wealthy people who, as judged by the past have no problem hunting over corn. One in fact was buying a ton and a half a week before the GW shut them down. Just as people don't like neighbors with a brown is down mentality, I don't have the funds nor the desire to get into a corn-a-thon war with our neighbor. It's as simple as that.

Money has always created advantages for people. And not just in hunting. There are members here at Aldeer that have the money to lease land in 2 or 3 places in Alabama and in several other states as well. I can't afford that. As a result they kill more deer and turkeys than I do every year. Should we make that illegal because it gives them an advantage over people like me?

Besides the truly well off can just plant whole corn fields and hunt over them now. I can't afford to do that. Have to make that illegal too I guess.

The best index to a person’s character is (a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can’t fight back.
- Abigail van Buren