The deer are killing the clover right now. It can be a little hard to see this time of year because they pretty much devour the whole plant. The stems and leaves are really tender and succulent. They’ve pretty much wiped out the clover growing in the back of the field and around the edges. There’s still plenty left in other areas though.

I think if you’re really trying to get serious about growing and managing deer….….then providing them with plenty of late winter/ early spring clover is something that doesn’t need to get overlooked. The reason I say that is because bucks are finishing up the rut at this time. The less run down they become and the quicker they are able to recover…..the more potential they have moving into the next growing season. You don’t want them in poor condition when they drop antlers and start growing their new ones. Crimson clover begins to jump in Feb and provide the deer with quality forage during this time period.

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