Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by DAX
Pears are so easy to grow compared to apples and other fruits. I also love the timing of the fruit drop with pears compared to others it's a wider time frame especially when you put different kinds together. I really don't know how they stand up compared to a deers preference over another fruit. I'll tell you that I like to put them around places that already have fall attraction. Like a field edge with mature hardwoods close by and or close to sawtooths. You want to create a buffet so that it's not just one thing that holds them and when one stops the others pick up. I will take some pictures and show some of my designs I've made that have worked well for me but like I said I just wish I could go back and plant more. Well everything but a sawtooth we got plenty of them. One more thing have a plan don't just plant trees in a field because ain't nothing there. Think about how and where they want to come from and the wind direction that gives you better odds and will he be comfortable feeding during daylight here and so on. My goal is to make sure that the food never stops so they don't need a reason to go to the neighbors and it's a year round plan. One more thing my deer prefer pears over jap persimmons and to tell you the truth I think they like a common persimmon better then a Jap. I not a big fan of Jap I wish I would have planted pears instead. Oh and one more thing I have a pear tree that's next to my pond in the backyard that really makes and some how the pears off it end up under some that are in a well placed honey hole it's puzzling.

That's very strange. Have you tried to figure out how these pears are magically transported to your honey hole?

I'm going to put a trail cam under that dang tree this fall and get to the bottom of it.