Originally Posted by CNC
Yeah, they’ll do ok if you’ve got some topsoil built up. You may want to go a little heavy on the seeding rate. They get eat up about as quick as they sprout around here though. I’d do a multi-seed mix if I were gonna do a summer T&M…Sunn hemp may be a good addition too but I’ve never tried it in a T&M planting. It looks to have a fairly small seed though so it should do fine.

OK one more question.

Would a mix of sunflowers, buckwheat and sunn hemp work as T&M in a pasture? I have good organic material down about 10" but it has not been disked for many years. I would like to let the pasture green up and then spray roundup. Wait 2 weeks then broadcast the seeds and mow it down, hopefully right before a rain. Would like to do about 25 acres but dont want to waste my money. Your way would go a whole lot faster than spraying,waiting 2 weeks, mowing, then disking, broadcasting and cultipacking...

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