Originally Posted by Todd1700
Originally Posted by deerfeeder89
Originally Posted by mzzy
Originally Posted by basspro527
The house passes this every year, then the senate shoots it down.

I’ve noticed this, why does this occur?

To get the lazy folks hopes up that can't actually hunt deer with out a massive pile of corn. I don't see it being sportsman like nor do I see hunting deer with a 50 cal 900yds a way sportmans like or either of the two actually hunting. But that's my opinion and a wise old man told me once opinions are like ass holes everybody's got one and most of them stink.

Oh, you must be the guy hunting them on foot with nothing but a loin cloth and a sharpened stick. No 4 wheel drive. No 4 wheeler. No scoped rifle. No tree stands. No Camo clothing. No cover scents. No scent attractants. No Binoculars. No trail cameras. No grunt tube. No rattling antlers. Etc, etc. Cause you know using any of that stuff wouldn't be sportsmanlike or what any respectable person could call hunting. LOL! Some of you guys reeeeaaallllly need to get over yourselves.

If you believe the bulldoodoo you just spat out Todd you must be one of the lazy ones that can hunt I mentioned. Everything you mentioned is actually hunting, using skills mimincing the deer activities rattleing,grunting, etc. Say for example if I was hunting you and used camo to blend in, tracked your usual routine and travel routes, waited for you to chase women around when you was thinking with the wrong head. All this and your none the wiser you had a fair chance now if I put a pile of hamburgers and a keg of beer out and waited on you to come sit down and eat and drank beer and I know you will then whacked you in the head with a hammer. Sure would make my hunt easier, less work, less time invested, less money invested, zero skill involved