Originally Posted by toothdoc
Originally Posted by Drake322
I am goin to try to get out there today. Anyone been this week? If so, how shallow and on what?

I wonder how many boats will be out there today since ASABFA will be here for a TX tomorrow? LOL.

I wish our district was on Neely. I have to haul the boat to Eufala next weekend for my son to fish ASABFA.

There lies the problem with ASABFA. We tried to get them talked into a 4 district area several years back. Also have a true finals type with a limited number of boats. NOOOOOOOO. We gonna stay this way, making some people travel 4 + hours from home, all the gas, food, hotel and vacation days the captains have to take and so on. IF you win, they get a plaque, that is it. No money like real TX fishing. That is why one year we left ASABFA and followed Airport Marine Trail. If the winner was in a qualifying boat, if I remember right, whole boat could split up to $3500. I think BASS Nation even pays out money in the form of gift cards for winners.

Don't get me wrong, there are some good people that are heavily involved in ASABFA. Carol McNew is a fabulous woman and does a ton for this group. I have a lot of respect for her.