I agree that it needs to be a simple law, Legal or not, no more gray areas.

But if they cant make it a simple statement about it being legal they should do the sticker on a feeder like a house trailer has. It will get complicated quick if one person in a club (or a neighbor) puts out corn and then someone gets a ticket because of it. If it is done as a licence for the person I guess I will buy one even though I dont bait just so I would be safe.

I have a stand in the edge of a pasture that has timber on 3 sides. Two sides are not my property, and about mid January I was sitting there and at 3pm I could hear a feeder go off in the woods (not on my property). I could hear the spinner and also hear the corn hitting the legs of the feeder. I have no idea how far away it was so I might not have been legal. The only way for me to know would have been to trespass to measure it. I didnt leave my stand that day and was willing to pay an undeserved ticket if I had received one. But I did not go back to that stand because I dont want a ticket. The neighbor should not be able to do something that reduces the places on my property I can hunt.

If they did the sticker on the feeder and the GW finds one without a sticker he should be allowed to destroy it like a moonshine still. But the possibilities of feeders on the other side of a property line could make this complicated. Would be much easier if they just said it was legal, but that would not enable the state to make any money and that is what it is all about.

I love my country, but don't trust my government.