Originally Posted by alhawk
Hell, send Velvet Tines up there and she will have em id'd within a week

in all seriousness, i never intended for the game cameras to be used for surveillance of man (woman). i placed an average of three cameras per property for an idea as to what we had as far as bucks and hogs. only when i began having the illegal dumping issue (fish carcasses, trash, frozen food, condoms, beer cans, etc.) did i begin looking for the person(s) that did the deed. it was nasty and irritating to go to the hunting land in the wee hours of the morning to be grossed out by rotting catfish or having to step around condoms to unlock the gate. when i setup the wireless covert camera and began getting real-time images, i was floored at the number of people who were trespassing (i'm sure the baldwin county sheriff's department was amazed as well). then, when i caught the illegal hunters/trespassers, it really opened my eyes to stopping it - it's bad enough to be a girl/lady/woman hunting alone but then to discover that you're not really "alone" and that there is some unknown man walking your property with a gun...

the cameras have more than earned their keep and i'll continue to use them for their original intended purpose but also for the extra security they provide. i know the man who was murdered probably never thought something like that would have happened but it's too bad he didn't have some cameras out (that were secure) that would have provided some justice to his survivors. and to think that someone on here called me paranoid!