Everyone is saying the right things now, but how many of you are just playing follow the leader and how many had to learn the hard way? I never had anyone teach me how to turkey hunt. I went a few times with high school friends that could call, but they didn’t know jack about turkey hunting. I spent a lot of years yelping at them bastards up in a tree. It’s hard not too, when you don’t know any better and that thing keeps gobbling at every noise you make. You just know he’s gonna land in your lap any second....only to see he likes the other direction 99% of the time. Heck, I’ve done the same thing on the ground a bunch, over calling till they disappear. I’ve also been on birds 100 times where they go silent, I get impatient or bored and get up to move on and get to hear a putting turkey hauling arse out of there. So BrentM, there is another topic... how many will admit that they can’t shut up or be patient? I don’t know how many turkeys I’ve killed, but I would guess it is somewhere around 150. It helps a bunch when you get to travel to several states where you can stack them up quick. But even with a fair number of birds killed, I will continue to make a lot of the same mistakes over and over again. But yelping at them in a tree for 2 hours, isn’t one of them. I’ll just belly crawl closer with a fan and limb launch him with some TSS! grin

Last edited by foldemup; 02/22/18 09:19 AM.

If you want to always win, never play anyone better than you!