CNC are those sawtooths next to your plot it dang sure looks like them but I can't zoom close enough to tell. Anyhow I'm pretty impressed with your plot knowledge and I don't want to give you the big head but even I have picked up a thing or two from you and this thread. Man you have got to get you a no-till drill and take the summer planting to a whole nother level in your T&M. I can just see you with a drill and a roller crimper and a new thread called roll and drill. Seriously man it's the way to go I've got fields that haven't seen a plow in years that go from beans to cereal grains and back again and I seem to be getting better yields every year. If you had a NT drill you could let that field go till about May spray a burn down with a pre and drill sun hemp and peas or something in the standing cereal grains. Let that go until it plays out in October and do T&M and repeat. I do see a lot of ladino clover in it and it's hard to kill it but summer production falls anyhow past May and you can handle $ replanting it every year with all the dang bad shots going on these days. You aren't that far from me I could bring my drill and you could do a test plot and post the results for these knuckle heads.