Originally Posted by hallb
Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by jawbone
Carlos and Charlie's is not for the meek or easily embarrassed. Think Spring Break and Girls Gone Wild on Steroids. My wife and I, along with a nice couple from Kentucky who were also on their honeymoon, went in there because someone said they had good tacos and after a day on the beach everyone was hungry. We were there about 30 minutes waiting on a table. All I can say is it was entertaining. but the women didn't want to stay for some reason. I was amazed at how far and how accurately the bartenders could project a shot of tequila through a syringe towards a female flashing her chest accessories.

When they said something about tacos, I think you misunderstood...

Hah. They just left the word "Hairy" off their description.

They had hairy ones?

Most tacos these days don't have hair.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe