Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by BPI
Man it's sad to see the way people view the body of Christ in this thread. It's almost as if it has no value to some. Just a thought... Can anyone tell me where in the bible it said that following Christ would be easy ? I guarantee you that most people who complain about being done wrong in church and left, wouldn't think twice if that happened at the workplace. They sure wouldn't stop coming to work, I will promise you that . Are there legitimate reasons for people being hurt by other in church ? Most certainly. But I am not quitting. It just can't be an option. Can you imagine what the world would look like without the church. Just think about it.

Also, this is just an opinion and I hope it doesn't tick anyone off. But if you can't find a good church within driving distance of your house in Alabama. YOU are most likely the problem. And starting a home church would change nothing.

I agree with most everything you said except the last part. The church isn't a building. It's believers. Believers can gather anywhere and hold worship and bible study and it's just as biblically sound as any gathering inside a local church building. That small group of believers can evangelize and do local missions work just like those who come from a traditional church building. To say it wouldn't change anything is short sighted in my opinion. A small group of believers with a heart for Christ and a passion to serve could have a bigger impact than a 1000 member church full of socialites there for the wrong reason. I do believe people give up on church too often instead of trying to help cure some of the issues that are causing problems. I also think some churches are beyond repair without a complete overhaul. One thing is for sure. Thousands of churches are closing their doors yearly. Is that because churches aren't "old school" enough these days or is it because those inside those walls are content with the status quo and aren't interested in reaching those on the outside for Christ? I don't care where a person chooses to worship if it's Christ centered and their group is focused on taking the Gospel to others. If they do that, eventually, their meeting place will have to be able to accommodate more than most houses allow.

You didn't hear me brother. I never said anything about a building. I have seen the most powerful church services you can imagine in the prisons of Africa or in a grass hut in the Amazon jungle. I've planted home churches so I absolutely have no issue with that at all. But what I'm saying is this. I would never plant a home church with a leader who had ought with the body of Christ. EVER. I hope that makes more sense.