Daddy used to buy a box of winchester silvertips(original) an hed give me 5 of them. Hed say.."son, i expect you to kill 5 deer" if you missed or wounded a deer you wer subject to get your butt tore questions asked. Daddy used to take huntin away as a punishment an id squall like you took my favrit act right too, for awhile anyways...least til hed let me go huntin again. We killed bout 7-10 deer a year, shot rabbits in febuary, caught spawning and post spawn crappie(many as we could catch with minners while theyd still bite), switched over to bass after that caught as many as we could an frozeem, dog days we didnt do much but eat, september was dove huntin every week day and weekend day we had the chance to, then squirrel season but didnt huntem til the frost an usually deer season had started by then. Never been in a world where everythin i eat, 80% wudnt kilt or caught.

"I dont quit.. And ill fight alone if i have to"