Originally Posted by Jakethesnake
Originally Posted by ZS81
Originally Posted by Jakethesnake
I consider myself a man of God and always have. I just cant believe if we arent saved then we are damned. I dont believe im goin to hell if im not baptised. It just dont make sense to me. As well as giving 10 or 20 percent of my income to a church. Lets meet outside and have church. Look at all that big money spent on church buildings and huge properties. It dont feel rite to me. Folks going hungry and poor and those huge churches everywhere. And then they pass the offering plate around. I see very few churches that arent about social status, games and baby sitting. I thought we gathered to learn God instead of 10 minutes of preaching and the rest playing

Maybe I have misunderstood, but your second sentence here is troubling. The Bible is very clear that there is only one way to Heaven.

Sooo...every single human that lived BEFORE Jesus came.....burned in Hell????? I believe in Jesus and believe his story was true. I have not been Baptised. I dont think God would send me to Hell because im not Baptised. If he loves me and im a decent human, fear him and respect him then why would he send me to Hell over this? I also believe that a lot of the new testament is man and government persuaded. No more eye for an eye talk. Sounds like they want to control us by brain washing us and to just roll over and take it. Its a lot easier to keep control of people with that kind of teaching. The government would benifit from that. Its like the government got rid of the old testament. They wrote the new testament. Over and over years ago. Picked pieces and discarded pieces. To keep control of the population. Back when the new bible was written, they were trying to control land and gain new land. So im not sure how much of it to believe when i cant read every piece of the literature that was written. Im a believer but in my mind a lot of it is to surrender and dont fight back. That scares me when i know that man fiddled with all the info and picked certain scriptures. But there are plenty of good churches. You just gotta find the rite one i guess. I have found good ones.

Uh oh somebody is a little too woke, better bop him on the head before the others quit giving their money too.

It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled.