Originally Posted by Avengedsevenfold
I try to stay out of political topics (cause politics is one of four areas that a seemingly normal person can instantly illuminate the fact that they are indeed NOT normal and are in reality idiots)....but this time, I cannot.

Am I the only person who sees that the LAST mentally unstable people give a crap about are LAWS??

If gubmint wants to do something about the rash of school shootings...how about the following:

1) have local police recognize when there have been THIRTY SIX calls placed to 911 on a single residence in the last couple of years...Houston, you have a problem.

2) have the FBI get there schitt together. They got warned not once but TWICE about the shooter being unstable and dangerously suited towards SHOOTING A SCHOOL up...

3) have more stringent guidelines for your state employees who are supposedly "mental Heath professionals" who deemed Cruz "not a threat to himself or anyone else"...well that certainly wasn't accurate

4) create more hospitals and treatment facilities for all of the mentally unstable individuals that we have in this country. Slinging a script at them and wishing them well clearly isn't working.

5) use some of all this money we all pay in taxes to put an armed police officer at each and every school in the country.

There are bigger problems in this country than gun control

Hell remember the Gun store owner called the FBI on the douche bag that ended up shooting up the nightclub in Florida. Lot of places wouldn't have done that (apparently it wouldn't have mattered) but he did, and still got no results...

Do not regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many!