Originally Posted by eskimo270
Originally Posted by RCHRR
Originally Posted by SouthBamaSlayer
Originally Posted by Jakethesnake
I consider myself a man of God and always have. I just cant believe if we arent saved then we are damned. I dont believe im goin to hell if im not baptised. It just dont make sense to me. As well as giving 10 or 20 percent of my income to a church. Lets meet outside and have church. Look at all that big money spent on church buildings and huge properties. It dont feel rite to me. Folks going hungry and poor and those huge churches everywhere. And then they pass the offering plate around. I see very few churches that arent about social status, games and baby sitting. I thought we gathered to learn God instead of 10 minutes of preaching and the rest playing

So you don't believe in tithing?

Who came up with the 10-20%? Man.
ummm GOD, the word tithe literally means 10%

Lev. 27:30–34

The tithe is introduced as law (Lev. 27:30–34) Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the Lord's; it is holy to the Lord. ... Here we see Moses giving the tithe as a law. The first 10 percent is called “holy,” or set apart, as belonging to God.

All that the Lord has given me, I will gladly give him 10%. Tithing isn't about your church finances. He can't bless what you are not willing to give. I resisted for years.......once I budgeted tithe as my 1st priority, I never worried about money again.

Last edited by jmudler; 02/19/18 05:57 PM.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.