Originally Posted by straycat
I get it. I do. I've had similar experiences in the past. I've also wished to return to the old days, sometimes...1 room church with singing, straight bible preaching, let the spirit move. Church committees, lots of staff, lots of ministries....can be great but can also add drama.

IDEA: Start a home church. Simple approach: Bible plus folks eager to worship, pray and grow. No drama. No politics.

Great idea, and I think a lot of people would be much happier and effective in a house church type setting. If you can't find one, and you don't feel satisfied in an established church, start a new one.

Any organization with people in it is going to be flawed. I think that the bigger the church, the easier it is for it to become more about entertainment than worship, and yet some of the mega churches seem to somehow manage a spirit of worship. If the Lord is in it, anything is possible. If He isn't, the smallest thing becomes impossible.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.