My observation is most Churches these days are for social activities and have little to do with real religion.They entertain, not teach, and most do not hold to much in the way of moral standards. Most have caved to todays social norms in an effort to get people in the doors. I figure If you belong to a denomination that allows alternative lifestyle folks in leadership positions of any kind, you might as well be on the golf course or a tree stand as being in what they call a church on a Sunday morning.Plus, some of the biggest arses I have ever met were the most church going people you would ever want to meet. They lie, cheat, treat people like crap, but by golly they are "saved". And if your beliefs happen not to coincide with theirs, Katie bar the door, you will be roasting for sure.I think some folks are in for a rude awakening shortly after they take their last breath. My first real girl friend was the perfect example. She was in church 2 days a week, in the choir, youth group, everything. And every Friday and Saturday night we would be out doing everything her church said not to, but she was still convinced she was "saved". I did not dissuade her of her belief cause I liked how things were going, but I just do not think that is how its gonna work out.