Originally Posted by jhardy
Originally Posted by RobertD
Originally Posted by bill
We are already ruled by the democratic party. Just because some of them call themselves republicans doesn't make it less true. This issue is a prime example. But keep voting for them because that strategy seems to be working great and the RNC agrees.

Sure will. And your answer to this would be?

"Hold them to a higher standard". "Write in a candidate when they won't put forth the perfect conservative candidate I want".

Yeah, that'll work. There has been a viable 3rd party candidate in almost every nationwide election since the 70's (Ralph Nader?)

STILL hasn't resulted in getting them to propose a candidate you can vote for without holding your nose, has it?

Tell you what it HAS done. It got Slick Willie elected when Perot ran against he and Bush. It also got Doug Jones in the Senate from Alabama. Do you like Doug better than you would have Roy Moore? I don't. In 95% plus of open elections in this country you have two choices. Just like the POTUS election 1.5 years ago. It was going to be Trump or Hillary. Period. End of story. Imagine if enough people had decided to follow your noble plan and write in someone or not "hold their nose and vote for a subpar R candidate. What if stupidity like that got Hillary elected? Would THAT have resulted in you getting your preferred R candidate next time?

No, It would have resulted in the end of our Republic IMHO, and the people like you responsible would have been no better than traitors in my mind.

Bill comes out swinging from the corner any time politics are mentioned. It's the hatred somehow of Trump. For the last time, can you just put it aside? Trump was not my choice by a wide margin, I don't like his tweets, I don't like some of the things he has done. However, he has accomplished a tremendous amount given his nonsupport from congress and the media. I honestly don't think the candidate of my choice would have accomplished as much as he has. If it wasn't for the candidate that the majority of those on this site voted for, we would be led by Hilary and already have new gun control laws.

You say a lot but don't know much. Trump has been better than I expected and the Senate and congress has been exactly what I expected.

Traitor? You're all entitled to your opinions even if you're wrong. I do find it comical how devoted some are to a party that couldn't care less if you breathe your last breath today but will attack like minded people who would likely help you if you needed it.

Last edited by bill; 02/19/18 02:41 PM.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"