Originally Posted by 1bamashooter
Originally Posted by TexasNative
I see raising the age to 21 for gun purchases. I have no problem with universal background checks. Open up the system to everyone, not just FFL's. All you need is a Yes or No answer on the background check. If the Dem's get control, I bet they will require the automation of the BAFT database and tracking of all gun purchases and transfers. I really don't see an AR ban.

What part of "Shall Not Be Infringed" do you not understand?

Do you think the current background check requirements are already infringing on your right to "keep and bear arms"? Worth noting, the 2nd Amendment says nothing about your right to or the method of controlling "purchasing or acquiring" arms. Just that we have the right keep and bear them. Not to mention the whole militia part in there.

I'm all about keeping the government out of our business and I don't think we need anymore gun control, but I can promise you those specific words used - or for that matter words not used - in the text of the 2A will be exploited in the future.