I just feel that it is a WASTE of time........

BUT, there will be people there and it will be brought up!

The Dept seems to be far more focused on 'Managing' the State for mature trophy bucks than anything else.
I just see absolutely ZERO concern for Enforcing the current Laws and Regulations.
That is made clear by the lack of GW's. That number is 'set' and budgeted for. Don't tell me 'we don't have the money'. BS!!!! It is in the Budget EVERY year. The decision is just made to use that money elsewhere!!! And.....don't tell me that 'we cannot find qualified candidates'. BS!!!!! The Register contains MANY competent and qualified applicants!!!! And, judging by the debacles over the years with some of the hires.......it ain't like they are afraid to hire 'bad' candidates!!!!

With all due Respect to Chuck.....
This IS what you get when that is your goal. I have heard for years how we 'need' a biologist to be over the WFF Division because they know science.
I disagree.
We need a strong and impartial LEADER who seeks to be honest and balanced.