AG Sessions got a slightly different version:

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20530

A.G. Sessions,

I am writing you today as a concerned citizen in regards to the recent on goings in Wilcox County. By now I am sure you are well aware of the murder of Robert Shane Manley. This man, like many Alabamians, took to the woods to enjoy another deer season here in the heart of Dixie. Unfortunately, his life was cut short (presumably) at the hands of locals who have no fear of the law and no regard for human life. Like many of us, he chose to bring his money and invest in Wilcox County. He purchased land and paid property tax there. He paid a lease to other land owners there. He shopped in Wilcox County stores. He bought gas at Wilcox County stations. He ate in Wilcox County establishments. And how has Wilcox County repaid him? By leaving him dead in the woods, killed in cold blood by cowards.

And now, it appears that Wilcox County is content with pretending it never happened. As I hear it, there was the SBI investigation that took investigators right to the most likely suspects: the trespassing, thieving, & poaching neighbors that Mr. Manley had been dealing with for some time. But in typical Wilcox County fashion, instead of following some protocol that would prevent a group from collaborating on their story, I hear that they were left together in the trailer for hours while awaiting a warrant? Are we to act surprised that they all give the same story after that? Is that justice? I’m afraid that until the powers that be determine they are going to enforce law and order we are on a dangerous path, and that brings me to the reason for this letter.

Sir, I am afraid there is a storm brewing down south. For too long the complaints of law abiding citizens have gone ignored. Each year, the crimes get worse: more theft, more trespassing, more poaching, and more night hunting. And now it seems to have culminated with the death of an innocent man. If you listen closely, you can hear the murmurs are getting louder. With this incident, something has changed. I fear that we are closing in on a time when the law abiding citizens rise up to take the county back instead of continuing to accept being victimized. What if these folks decide “enough is enough” and begin to take matters into their own hands? Will the law enforcement show up then, and if so, how will they identify the villain from the vigilante? What happens when the national spotlight once again turns to our state in such a negative manner?

Mr. Sessions, I ask you, beg you even, please step in and help the good people of Wilcox County gain control of the situation. Get on the phone with Governor Ivey and do what needs to be done to make sure justice is available for all people, of all skin tones. Do not let us delve back into the pits of racial divide that once plagued rural Alabama. There is a sweltering powder keg in Wilcox County and surrounding areas... will you let it explode on your watch? With your Wilcox County roots, I know you understand and appreciate the severity of this situation. When the history is written, what will be said of you? Thank you for your time & consideration."

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson